10 Inspiring Examples of Vertical Gardens for Small Spaces | askBAMLand

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Got a small space but big gardening dreams?

You're not alone!

In fact, it's quite the current trend to transform every nook into a lush haven.

Don't just think up—it's time to build up with vertical gardens that make your limited space bloom.

From vibrant living walls to quaint hanging planters, there's an array of options to turn your tiny space into a flourishing oasis.

Trust us, with a bit of creativity and these practical vertical gardening solutions, your small area will not only look more spacious but will also become your personal slice of nature.

Whether it's a cozy balcony or a compact indoor corner, let's turn that vertical space into a green paradise.

Key Takeaways

  • Vertical gardens are an innovative solution for small spaces.
  • Options range from wall-mounted planters to hanging gardens.
  • These gardens enhance living spaces both aesthetically and environmentally.

Table of Contents

Living Wall Planters

Ever thought your walls could use a bit more character?

How about turning them into a lush garden space?

Modular living wall planters are your ticket to creating an eye-catching vertical garden, especially when you're tight on space!

  • Easy Installation: These guys are like Lego for plant lovers; you can attach them to any vertical surface, like a puzzle, making a green masterpiece.
  • Size Variety: Whether you're eyeing a small accent above your desk or planning a full wall of greenery, living wall planters come in different sizes to fit your vision.
  • Flexibility: Fancy a seasonal update or just want to mix things up? Modular planters let you do just that. Switch out plants to your heart's content!
  • Water-Smart: Concerned about watering? Many systems have built-in irrigation, making sure your plant buddies stay quenched with minimal effort on your part.
  • Indoor and Outdoor: No garden? No problem. These planters are great for indoors, too. Imagine your kitchen wall sprouting fresh herbs within arm's reach!

Okay, so we're talking more than a decorative touche; living wall planters can truly revamp your space.

They're not just pretty faces; they help purify air and can even dampen noise.

Who knew walls could be so multi-talented?

Looking for a quick start?

Go for something simple like the La Jolie Muse Hanging Planter to get your feet wet.

But if you're ready to go all in, brands like Woolly Pocket have you covered.

They specialize in creating pieces that can turn your home or office into a mini Eden.

Bucket list item: waking up to a wall that's more jungle than drywall.

Let's make it happen, shall we?

Pallet Garden

Ever thought your small space couldn't possibly house a garden?

Think again!

Let's chat about the nifty Pallet Garden—a charming, space-saving solution that's as fun to make as it is functional.

Here's what you'll need to craft your own greener pastures:

  • 1 Repurposed Wooden Pallet: A hero in the upcycling world!
  • Landscape Fabric: This will be the secret sauce that keeps the soil snug in its wooden bed.
  • Quality Soil: Go for a mix that's rich and drains well for happy plant roots.
  • Your Favorite Plants: Whether it's herbs for cooking or flowers for the eyes, choose what you love.

First things first, secure the landscape fabric to the back and sides of the pallet to create a pocket for the soil.

Ensure it's snug and secure to prevent any soil escapees.

Next up, fill it with soil.

You want the soil to be packed enough to stay put, but not so dense that the roots can't breathe.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Lay the pallet flat.
  • Pack the soil and compost mix into each slat, nice and even.

Finished with the dirt?

Time to get planting!

Slide in your plants of choice between the slats.


  • Herbs: For your culinary adventures.
  • Flowering Plants: To add a splash of color.

Now, just stand it up, give it a drink of water, and voilà!

Pro Tip: Make sure to place your pallet garden against a wall or fence to help support the weight.

With your pallet garden, you're not just making the most of small spaces, you're also giving new life to old materials.

So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to bring a slice of nature into your home, no matter the size!

Hanging Pocket Organizers

Have you ever thought about the potential of that over-the-door shoe organizer other than for stashing your sneakers?

Well, it's time to give it a whole new purpose: vertical gardening.

Transforming one of these into a haven for your plants is like hitting the jackpot for space-saving greenery.

Plus, it's super easy!

To start, grab a cloth pocket organizer – you know, the one that's been gathering dust in the corner of your closet.

It's perfect because:

  • Sturdy Pockets: Designed to hold shoes, they can support the weight of soil and plants.
  • Ready-Made: No DIY skills? No problem. It's already set to hang.
  • Accessible: Keeps herbs and small plants within arm’s reach – ideal for quick snips while cooking.

Here's how you can create one:

  1. Fill 'er up: Slide in some soil and your favorite sun-loving herbs or small plants into each pocket.
  2. Water wisely: Keep them hydrated, but ensure proper drainage to prevent saggy, sad pockets.
  3. Let there be light: Hang it on a sunny wall or balcony, and watch your vertical garden flourish!

And remember, it's not just for herbs:

  • Succulents and small flowers can turn it into a living piece of art.
  • Edibles like lettuce or strawberries will offer fresh picks without the bed.

Tip: Use felt organizers for breathability or line pockets with plastic if moisture is a concern.

Your new hanging pocket garden not only saves space but also adds a fresh twist to your decor, all while you master the art of vertical gardening!

Gutter Garden

Ever thought of channeling your inner gardener but feel restricted by your small space?

Well, let's talk about making the best out of what some might consider waste — rain gutters!

That's right, you can turn those long, narrow troughs into a flourishing vertical haven.

  • Where to Install: Mount them on a sunny wall or along a sturdy fence; make sure it's somewhere you can easily show off your plant babies and your clever use of space!
  • What to Plant: Looking for some fresh herbs for your culinary experiments? Maybe some luscious strawberries for a bite of summer sweetness? Or perhaps flowers to add a splash of color? Rain gutters are perfect for these small-rooted plants.

Quick Steps to Create Your Own Gutter Garden

  1. Choose Your Gutters: Go for durable materials like PVC or aluminum.
  2. Prepare: Punch in some drainage holes along the bottom. Trust me, your plants will thank you for this!
  3. Install: Secure your gutters to the wall or fence with brackets, ensuring a slight angle for water drainage.
  4. Soil It Up: Fill them with a good potting mix — don't skimp on quality here.

Pro Tips

  • Keep it light: Don't overfill with soil or water to avoid sagging.
  • Compatibility is key: Plant similar needs together; thirsty plants with other aqua-lovers, sun-seekers with fellow sunbathers.

So, why not give your green thumb a vertical challenge?

It's a smart, space-saving way to green up your place.

Plus, it's a fantastic conversation starter — imagine the bragging rights at your next barbecue with a gutter garden as your backdrop!

Trellis Planters

Have you ever considered taking your plants to new heights?

With a trellis planter, your green friends can climb up, up, and away, transforming a drab balcony or patio into a lush vertical garden.

Here's why you'll love them:

  • Space-saving: Small area? No problem! You're literally growing upwards, leveraging height over floor space.
  • Aesthetic appeal: A trellis filled with greenery can become a natural piece of art.

Building a Trellis Planter:

  1. Select a planter box that's sturdy enough to handle the weight of the soil, plants, and trellis.
  2. Choose a trellis made from materials like wood, metal, or bamboo. Make sure it's tall enough for your plant’s ambitions!
  3. Securely attach the trellis to the back of the planter box.
  4. Choose climber plants suitable for this setup. Think fragrant jasmine, cheerful sweet peas, or even some veggies like peas and cucumbers.

Care Tips:

  • Watering: Make sure your climbing plants stay hydrated.
  • Training: Gently guide your plants up the trellis, supporting them as needed.
  • Pruning: Keep things tidy with some occasional pruning.

Remember, you're creating a living sculpture.

It’s not just about saving space—it's about creating your own little vertical oasis.

And who knows?

You might just find your neighbors peering over, green with envy, at your blooming trellis planter.

Stacked Crates or Shelving

Have you ever peered at a stack of wooden crates and seen the potential for a lush garden?

It's not just a fleeting fancy!

Stacked crates or shelving can work wonders for cultivating a green space in tight quarters.

Here's how to turn that vertical vision into a leafy reality:

  1. Choosing Your Crates: Select sturdy wooden crates that can handle the weight of soil and plants. Vintage crates add a rustic charm if that's your vibe!
  2. Stack 'Em Up: Arrange the crates in a staggered pattern against a wall, ensuring each one is securely in place. It's like building with blocks — only cooler because you're making a garden!
  3. Pot and Plant: Fill the crates with potted plants. You can mix it up with:
  1. Herbs for a whiff of culinary inspiration
  2. Flowering plants to dazzle with color
  3. Succulents for those forget-to-water days

Remember to leave space for plants to grow and ensure they have proper drainage; nobody likes soggy roots!

By using crates, you get the flexibility to rearrange your garden as it grows or as your tastes change.

Today a herb haven, tomorrow a succulent sanctuary — the choice is yours!

So why wait?

Grab those crates and start stacking your way to your very own piece of plant paradise.

Your wall will thank you, and so will your green thumb!

Vertical Herb Garden

Hey there, green thumb!

Have you been dreaming of a garden but feel stuck in a tiny space?

No backyard, no problem.

Let's talk about vertical herb gardens—they're like skyscrapers for your basil and parsley.

Believe it or not, you can create a lush oasis right in your kitchen or balcony, and it's easier than you might think.

Here's what you need to get started:

  • Structure: Choose a vertical planter or create your own using items like a pallet or hanging pockets. Be creative!
  • Light: Most herbs love sunlight, so a sunny spot is ideal. If you're short on natural light, companies like Click and Grow can hook you up with indoor gardens that have built-in lighting.
  • Water: Herbs don't like soggy feet. Go for self-watering planters or remember to water them regularly, but not too much.
  • Selection: Pick herbs that you love and use often. Basil, mint, and thyme are great choices for your vertical haven.

Now, let's imagine:

  1. Picture growing your own mint for that perfect mojito—exciting, right?
  2. Think about stepping up your culinary game with fresh herbs at your fingertips.

Bonus Tips:

  • Check the soil moisture with your finger—if it’s dry, it’s time to water.
  • Trim and use your herbs to keep them bushy and productive.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

Experiment with what works best for you and your space.

Ready to stack up your greens?

Here's to your flourishing vertical herb garden and the freshest flavors you can get! 🌱

Bottle Tower Garden

Have you ever thought about creating a garden but felt limited by your small space?

Well, how about transforming your balcony or patio into a lush oasis with a bottle tower garden!

What's a bottle tower garden, you ask?

It's a clever way to upcycle your old plastic soda bottles into a vertical garden.

This DIY project is not just a creative way to show off your green thumb, but it also contributes to reducing plastic waste.

Here's how you can start:

  1. Gather Your Bottles: You'll need several 2-liter soda bottles. Make sure they are clean and the labels are removed.
  2. Prep Your Bottles: Cut the bottoms off the bottles and drill or poke holes into the caps for drainage.
  3. Stack 'Em Up: Stack the bottles on top of each other, with the neck of one bottle fitting into the base of the next. You can secure them with tape or a rod down the center for stability.

Why this structure works: The stacked design maximizes vertical space, ideal for small areas.

Plus, each bottle's neck funnels water down to the plants below, ensuring efficient watering.

What can you grow?

Herbs, like basil and parsley, and leafy greens, like lettuce and spinach, are perfect for this set-up.

Not only do they thrive in the compact space, but they also add a pop of greenery to your urban dwelling.

Remember, your bottle tower garden is not just functional; it's a statement.

Each vibrant leaf and fragrant herb is a testament to your ingenuity—and your commitment to sustainability.

Embracing the vertical garden concept is smart gardening and smart recycling rolled into one.

So, why not give it a go?

Your patio will thank you, and hey, your salads might just get a fresh upgrade from your homegrown greens!

Wall-Mounted Planters

Ever looked at a bare wall and thought, "You know what you need?

A dash of green!" You're not alone, and wall-mounted planters are here to save the day, and your walls!

These vertical garden darlings are perfect when floor space is as precious as a sunny day in London.

They sit pretty on your walls and bring a breath of fresh air indoors.

Here's a nifty thing about wall-mounted planters: they're modular.

Systems like the Florafelt vertical garden system let you play Lego with your plants.

You can start small, maybe with a single panel, and add on as you become more plant-crazy.

It's all about growing with your garden!

Here's a quick checklist for starting your wall-mounted garden adventure:

  • Select your spot: Find a wall that gets good light and is away from harsh weather.
  • Choose your plants: Succulents or ferns? Herbs or flowers? Pick plants that suit the light conditions.
  • Get the right system: Florafelt, for example, comes with pockets that are a breeze to use.

Did You Know?

A study has shown that indoor plants can boost your mood and productivity.

That's right, your leafy wall companion is a silent cheerleader for those busy days!

So, grab your gloves and get ready to turn that drab wall into a vertical paradise.

Remember, your plants need love, water, and a little bit of chat—plants love a good gossip about the weather.

Happy planting!

Mason Jar Wall

Ever thought your kitchen herbs could use a little vertical lift?

Mason jar walls might just be your new best friend!

This isn't just about saving space, it's about adding a splash of green to your living quarters in a uniquely charming way.

What You'll Need:

  • Mason jars: A bunch of same-sized mason jars for uniformity.
  • Clamps or pipe clips: To hold those jars tight against the wall or board.
  • A wooden board: Preferably repurposed, because who doesn't love a good upcycling story?

Did you know you can turn an empty wall into a lush garden using simple mason jars?

It's not just efficient, it's downright adorable.

Here's your quick-start guide:

  1. Prep Your Board: If you're going for rustic, a light sanding will do. Paint or stain is optional but can add a nice touch.
  2. Arrange Your Clamps: Space them out evenly on the board, keeping in mind the size of your jars.
  3. Secure the Jars: Pop those jars into the clamps and tighten them up. Make sure they're snug as a bug!

Planting time!

Succulents and herbs thrive in mason jars, and they're low maintenance.

Just be wary of over-watering, as these jars don't have drainage.

Fun fact: Did you know mason jars were originally designed for canning?

Now they're the go-to for DIY-ers everywhere!

Care Tips:

  • Water: Lightly, with caution. Over-watering is a no-no.
  • Sunlight: Make sure they get their daily dose but not too much. Think cozy, not scorching.

How's that for a charming and functional wall?

Your herbs are now not just for cooking but also part of your decor!

So, ready to get started on your mason jar masterpiece?


Brittany Melling

Brittany Melling

Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.

Read More About Brittany Melling