A Comprehensive Guide To Buying Land In Australia | askBAMLand

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If you're like me, you may have considered buying land down under to call your own. But where do you start, and what do you need to know?

Investing in land in Australia can be a wise decision due to its steady economic growth and broad opportunities. However, it’s important to be familiarized with Australia’s property types, regulations & restrictions, as well as the real estate buying process before committing to a parcel.

As someone passionate about real estate and property acquisitions I'm confident in my ability to provide you with the most comprehensive guide for buying land in Australia. So, let's embark on this exciting journey together, and soon you'll be the proud owner of your piece of the Australian dream.

Key Takeaways

  • Australia is popular for buying property due to its diverse real estate market.
  • The cost of land varies widely across the country, with urban areas priced higher.
  • The average price of land in Sydney is around $1,200 per square meter.
  • Understanding regulations and restrictions is crucial for foreign buyers.
  • Location, accessibility, amenities, and market trends should be taken into consideration.

Table of Contents

Understanding Property Types in Australia

When I first started my journey to buy land in Australia, I realized how important it is to understand the different property types available. So, let me share my findings with you to make your experience smoother and well-informed.

Firstly, I came across various property types including homes, apartment units, townhouses, blocks of units, and retirement living. Each type comes with its unique features, advantages, and disadvantages.

Rural Properties

In my search for land, I found that rural properties and acreages are particularly suited for those looking to escape the urban hustle.

These properties often provide extra space and privacy in a rural area. You can use the land for various purposes like farming, building a dream home, or even starting a small business.

Urban Properties

If you're interested in housing, there are numerous options as well. Townhouses and villas offer a more compact, low-maintenance lifestyle compared to standalone homes.

They're a great choice for people who want to live in a community while still having some personal outdoor space.


As someone who has been exploring the idea of buying land in Australia, I've come to realize that buying a house can be a great investment.

Not only does it provide a place to call home, but it can also offer financial benefits such as potential capital gains and rental income. Additionally, building a new home can allow for customization and the incorporation of energy-efficient features, which can save money on utility bills in the long run


Apartments and units can be found in various sizes and configurations, catering to different budgets and preferences.

These properties are ideal for singles, couples, or small families who prioritize convenience and proximity to urban amenities over outdoor space.

Unit Blocks

As I continued my research, I discovered that blocks of units are quite unique as they offer multiple self-contained dwellings on a single property.

It can be an excellent investment option if you're looking to generate rental income from multiple tenants simultaneously.

Overall, understanding these different property types has helped me make informed choices in my land buying journey in Australia. I hope this information proves useful to you too. Good luck!

Land Prices in Australia

As someone who has been interested in buying land in Australia, I have found that the cost of land varies widely across the country.

According to recent data, the median price of vacant land in Australia was around $230,000 in 2020. However, this price can vary significantly depending on the location and other factors such as zoning regulations and proximity to amenities.

For example, land in urban areas tends to be more expensive than land in rural areas. Additionally, land in popular tourist destinations such as the Gold Coast or Sydney can also command a premium price.

Urban vs Rural Land Prices in Australia: A Comparative Analysis

As someone interested in buying land in Australia, I was curious about the differences in land prices between urban and rural areas.

After researching this topic, I found that while land prices vary across Australia, urban areas consistently rank among the highest in terms of price per square meter.

For example, in 2021, the average price of land in Sydney was around $1,200 per square meter, while in rural areas such as the Northern Territory, the average price was around $200 per square meter.

Best Locations to Buy Land in Australia

When it comes to buying land in Australia, location is key. Some of the best locations to buy land in Australia include areas with strong economic growth and high demand for housing.

For example, cities are popular choices due to their strong job markets and growing populations - with the following urban areas being particularly attractive:

  • Sydney
  • Melbourne

Additionally, areas with beautiful natural scenery can also be great choices for those looking to build a vacation home or retirement property. Australia’s stunning scenery is a calling for many aspiring property owners and temporary residents, which is why I recommend considering the following areas:

  • Sunshine Coast
  • Great Ocean Road

Search Process

When I began my search for land in Australia, the first step was setting my budget in AUD. I needed to understand how much I could invest and make a realistic plan accordingly. Resources like Wise were quite helpful in guiding me in the right direction.

Real Estate Websites

I started by exploring different real estate websites, as they provide comprehensive listings of available land options.

Websites such as Domain proved to be a good starting point. They not only had a wide range of properties but also offered useful advice for the entire process.

Tax Information Resources

As a foreigner, I found it essential to understand the taxes and regulations surrounding land purchases in Australia. The following sites were very helpful:

These sites provided me with valuable information about the process and costs involved. This included details about foreign citizen stamp duty, land taxes, capital gains tax, and fees associated with purchasing property as a non-Australian citizen.

Refine Search Options

Lastly, I made sure to stay organized and maintained a list of potential land options.

Using features like filters and bookmarking options on real estate websites also helped me streamline my search process.

Remember to be patient and persistent, as finding the perfect land investment opportunity in Australia is worth the effort!

Evaluating The Land

When I set out to purchase Australian property, one of the most crucial steps I took was evaluating the land.

In this section, I'll share my experience on how I went through this process, focusing on three important aspects: soil tests, possible covenants, and surveying for easements.

Soil Tests

Before I made any purchase, I needed to ensure that the land could support my building plans. I conducted a soil test to determine the soil's composition and stability.

This helped me make an informed decision about the suitability of the land for construction and minimized the risk of future problems.

I also learned that some areas in Australia have reactive soils, meaning they can expand or contract according to moisture levels, which could impact the structural integrity of my future home.

Possible Covenants

As I searched for land, I discovered that some properties come with covenants or restrictions. It's essential to be aware of any covenants that could limit what I can build or how I can use the land.

By thoroughly reviewing the contract and working with a real estate professional, I was able to identify any potential covenants and understand their implications before I made my purchase.

Surveying For Easements

Lastly, I learned that easements play a significant role in land evaluation. An easement is a legal right granted to a third party to access or use a portion of your land for a specific purpose, such as utility lines, water, or drainage management.

I had my property surveyed to identify any existing easements and understand how they could affect my building plans or property value. This helped me avoid unpleasant surprises, like discovering that I couldn't build in a certain area or having someone else's land rights impact my property.

Regulations And Restrictions

Register Of Foreign Ownership Of Agricultural Land

As a foreigner looking to buy land in Australia, you should be aware of the Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land.

This register keeps track of foreign investment in Australia's agricultural land, ensuring transparency and fairness. I've found it beneficial to know the details or limits that might apply to my investment opportunities.

Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)

The Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) is an essential entity that you'll likely encounter when purchasing land in Australia.

This is a process Australian citizens do not need to go through when they buy property. The board reviews applications made by foreign persons to buy properties or land in the country.

To ensure compliance, I always submit my investment proposal to FIRB for approval before proceeding with any land purchase.

Foreign Acquisitions And Takeovers Act 1975

Another crucial aspect to understand when buying land in Australia is the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975.

This Act governs the process of foreign persons purchasing land in Australia, and I always make sure to familiarize myself with it. For instance, it requires foreigners like me, to submit an application to the Treasurer, detailing the 'notifiable actions' or 'notifiable national security actions' involved in the land acquisition.

By keeping these three main factors in mind - Register of Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land, Foreign Investment Review Board, and Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975 - I've found navigating the process of buying land in Australia more manageable.

With proper preparation and understanding of these regulations and restrictions, you too can make well-informed investment decisions.

The Purchasing Process

Working With Professionals

When I decided to buy land in Australia, having a solicitor by my side made a huge difference, especially considering that I am not a permanent resident yet.

They helped me navigate the legal aspects, recommended professionals, and advised me on various requirements.In addition, hiring a  real estate agent who is familiar with the property market can make hunting down your parcel much easier and more efficient.

Making A Deposit

After identifying the perfect piece of land, I made necessary inquiries and placed a deposit. It was crucial to secure the property quickly and negotiate the best deal possible.

Contract And Cooling Off Period

I found it essential to have a complete understanding of the contract and the associated terms and conditions.

During the cooling off period, I had the chance to back out of the contract if I had any doubts or concerns.


Finally, the big day arrived: settlement. I made sure all the necessary documents and finances were in place, and with my solicitor's assistance, I successfully acquired my piece of Australian land.

Financing And Ownership Costs

Mortgage Options

When it comes to financing land in Australia, I've found that there are various mortgage options available for buyers.

Some popular choices include home loans, investment property loans, and construction loans. It's essential for me to understand the difference between these options and choose the one that suits my needs best.

Calculating Ongoing Expenses

As a landowner, I must factor in the ongoing expenses associated with owning property. There's more to consider than just the initial purchase price.

I need to look at costs like taxes, insurance, maintenance, and potential capital gains that might arise in the future.

In summary, it's crucial for me to understand the financing options and potential ongoing costs when buying land in Australia. Carefully considering these aspects will help me make the best decision for my investment.

Benefits of Buying Land in Australia

Australia has always been an attractive destination for investors, and I can tell you why it's worth considering if you're planning to buy land.

Economic Stability

First of all, the Australian property market is known for its stability, which makes buying land in different states a relatively safe investment.

Over the years, Australia’s economy has been consistently on the rise and the price of property values continues to increase.

Natural Landscapes

Additionally, the country offers diverse landscapes and environments to suit various preferences, from bustling urban centers to tranquil rural areas.

When I was looking to buy land, I found that each state in Australia has its unique property climate, governed by local factors such as infrastructure developments and demographic changes.

It's essential for potential buyers like you and me to research these regional differences before committing to a purchase. For instance, Adelaide's affordability makes it an attractive option for maximizing buying power.

Diverse Real Estate Market

Another reason why I find Australia appealing for land investment is the availability of various property types, including residential, commercial, and agricultural.

With such diversity, it's much easier for investors like you and me to find the perfect piece of land that aligns with our objectives.

Quality of Life

Lastly, let's not forget that Australia's attractive lifestyle and high quality of life make it even more enticing for property investors, just like how it did for me.

Whether I'm looking to live, work, or invest in the Land Down Under, there are plenty of opportunities to find a suitable property in a stable market.

So, if you're planning to buy land, I'd say Australia should definitely be on your list of options to explore.

Additional Considerations

Accessibility and Amenities

When I was searching for the perfect land to buy in Australia, I wanted to ensure it had good accessibility and amenities.

I prioritized areas with established infrastructure that were close to schools, shopping centres, and medical facilities, as I needed a place ideal for parents like me.

I realized the proximity to beautiful beaches was also an important factor for some people. It's always great to be able to enjoy the amazing Australian coastline without having to travel far from home.

Market Trends

In my research, I found that understanding market trends was crucial to make an informed decision.

I learned that property prices in Australia can vary greatly depending on factors such as location, demand, and amenities available. Major cities like Sydney often have higher prices compared to smaller towns.

I also discovered that paying attention to current market trends, like methods of sale, could help me make better decisions. For instance, auctions could provide a different buying experience compared to private negotiations.

As a temporary resident, taking into account these additional considerations made the entire process of buying land in Australia much more straightforward. Following this advice, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect piece of land in Australia.


Brittany Melling

Brittany Melling

Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.

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