What Is The Cheapest Price Of Agriculture Land In Australia? | askBAMLand

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As someone who is interested in investing in agricultural land in Australia, you might be wondering what the cheapest price for real estate is.

The north-west Queensland town of Richmond and the town of Bourke in New South Wales offer the cheapest farmland for sale in Australia at just $246 per hectare. Additionally, the central-west and south-west regions of Queensland also offer relatively cheap prices for agricultural land.

As an authoritative source on agriculture land prices in Australia, we have analyzed the market trends and predictions to provide you with the most up-to-date information on the cheapest agriculture land prices in Australia. By examining the factors that influence agriculture land prices, such as rising commodity prices, climate change, and government policies, we can provide you with valuable insights that will help you make informed decisions about your investments.

Key Takeaways

  • The Australian towns of Bourke and Richmond have the cheapest agricultural land.
  • The cheapest land in Australia ranges from $246 to $1,000 per hectare.
  • Understanding the Australian property market is crucial to make a wise purchase.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Value of Agriculture Land in Australia

As someone who is interested in purchasing agricultural land in Australia, it is important to understand the value of the land you are considering.

The value of agricultural land in Australia is influenced by a variety of factors, including location, soil quality, climate, water access, infrastructure, and more.


One of the most important factors that determines the value of agricultural land in Australia is its location.

For example, according to the Rural Bank Farmland Values Report, the central east coast region of Glamorgan-Spring Bay in Tasmania offers the cheapest place to buy farmland in Tasmania. Similarly, different regions of Australia will have different land values based on their unique characteristics.

Soil Quality

Another important factor that determines the value of agricultural land in Australia is the quality of the soil.

Soil quality is essential for crop growth and productivity, and therefore, it is a key factor in determining the value of agricultural land. Soil quality is often measured by factors such as pH levels, nutrient content, and texture.


Climate is another important factor that influences the value of agricultural land in Australia. Different crops require different climates to thrive, and therefore, the suitability of a particular region for certain crops will affect the value of the land.

For example, regions with a Mediterranean climate are well suited for growing grapes, while regions with a tropical climate are better suited for growing bananas.

Water Access

Access to water is also an important factor that affects the value of agricultural land in Australia. Irrigation is essential for crop growth, and therefore, regions with reliable access to water will have higher land values.

In addition, regions with a high risk of drought may have lower land values due to the increased risk of crop failure.


Infrastructure is another factor that can affect the value of agricultural land in Australia. Regions with good transportation links, such as highways and railroads, will have higher land values due to the ease of transporting crops to market.

In addition, regions with access to processing facilities and other agricultural infrastructure may also have higher land values.

In summary, the value of agricultural land in Australia is influenced by a variety of factors, including location, soil quality, climate, water access, infrastructure, and more. As a prospective buyer, it is important to consider these factors when evaluating the value of a particular piece of land.

Regional Overview of Agriculture Land Prices

The cheapest agricultural land in australia can be found in the town of Bourke in NSW and in Richmond in the state of Queensland. However, looking at the current state of agriculture land prices in Australia, it is clear that prices vary greatly depending on the region.

In general, the cheapest prices for agriculture land can be found in the Northern Territory and South Australia, while the most expensive land can be found in Victoria and New South Wales.

Region Average Price for Agriculture Land (per hectare) Notable Crops/Operations
Northern Territory $1,000 Mangoes, melons
South Australia $2,000 Wheat, barley, canola
Western Australia $3,000 Wheat, barley, canola
Queensland $5,000 Beef, dairy
Victoria $10,000 Wheat, barley, canola
New South Wales $12,000 Wheat, barley, canola

Northern Territory

In the Northern Territory, the average price for agriculture land is around $1,000 per hectare. This is due to the fact that much of the land in this region is remote and has limited access to water and other resources.

However, there are still opportunities for agriculture in this region, particularly in the north-west region where there is a growing demand for crops such as mangoes and melons.

South Australia

In South Australia, the average price for agriculture land is around $2,000 per hectare. This is still relatively cheap compared to other regions in Australia, but the land in this region is generally more productive and has better access to water resources.

The Eyre Peninsula in particular is a popular location for agriculture, with crops such as wheat, barley, and canola being grown in this region.

Western Australia

Moving to Western Australia, the average price for agriculture land is around $3,000 per hectare.

This region is known for its large-scale agriculture operations, with crops such as wheat, barley, and canola being grown in the south-west region. However, the land in this region can be expensive due to its high productivity and access to water resources.


In Queensland, the average price for agriculture land is around $5,000 per hectare. This region is known for its large-scale cattle operations, with many farmers specializing in beef and dairy production.

However, the land in this region can be expensive due to its high productivity and access to water resources.


In Victoria, the average price for agriculture land is around $10,000 per hectare. This is due to the high productivity of the land in this region, which is ideal for growing crops such as wheat, barley, and canola.

The land in this region is also in high demand due to its proximity to major cities such as Melbourne.

New South Wales (NSW)

Finally, in New South Wales, the average price for agriculture land is around $12,000 per hectare. This region is known for its large-scale agriculture operations, with crops such as wheat, barley, and canola being grown in the north-west region.

However, the land in this region can be expensive due to its high productivity and access to water resources.

Factors Influencing Agriculture Land Prices

When it comes to determining the price of agriculture land in Australia, there are several factors that come into play.

As a farmer, I understand that these factors can have a significant impact on the cost of land, and it's important to be aware of them before making any decisions.

Supply and Demand

One of the most significant factors that influence agriculture land prices is supply and demand. If there is a high demand for land but a limited supply, prices are likely to increase. On the other hand, if there is an oversupply of land, prices may decrease.

Commodity Prices

Another factor that can impact Australian farmland values is commodity prices. When commodity prices are high, farmers may be willing to pay more for land to expand their operations and increase their profits.

Conversely, when commodity prices are low, farmers may be less willing to pay a premium for land.

Interest Rates

Interest rates can also have a significant impact on land prices. When interest rates are low, borrowing money to purchase land becomes more affordable, which can drive up demand and prices.

Rising interest rates can make it more difficult for farmers to afford to purchase land, which can lead to a decrease in prices.

Market Trends and Conditions

Seasonal and market conditions can also play a role in land prices. A good season can lead to higher yields and increased profits, which can make farmers more willing to pay a premium for land. Similarly, a strong agricultural market can lead to increased demand and higher prices.

Competition and FOMO

Finally, competition and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can also drive up land prices. If farmers believe that land prices will continue to increase, they may be more willing to pay a premium to secure a piece of property before it becomes even more expensive.

Overall, there are many factors that can influence the price of agriculture land in Australia. As a farmer, it's important to be aware of these factors and to carefully consider them before making any decisions about purchasing or selling land.

Comparison with Other Assets

When it comes to investing in assets, there are many options available, including residential property, stocks, and commodities. However, agriculture land can offer a unique investment opportunity, particularly in Australia where the demand for farm land is high.

Residential Land

In comparison to residential property, the national median price of Australian farmland saw a 20% increase in 2022.

This makes farmland a potentially lucrative investment option for those looking to diversify their portfolio. While house prices can fluctuate depending on the state of the economy, the demand for food and agricultural products is relatively stable.

This means that investing in agriculture land can provide a more stable investment option compared to other asset classes such as stocks.

Leasing and Farming Activities

Furthermore, investing in agriculture land can provide a tangible asset that can generate income through leasing or farming activities. This can provide a more reliable source of income compared to other investments that rely on market fluctuations.

Overall, investing in agriculture land can be a viable investment option for those looking to diversify their portfolio and generate a stable source of income. However, as with any investment, it is important to do your research and seek professional advice before making any decisions.

The Role of Banks and Financial Institutions

As I explore the cheapest price of agriculture land in Australia, it's important to understand the role of banks and financial institutions in this market. Banks act as intermediaries between savers and borrowers, which is particularly relevant for the agriculture industry where there is a need for long-term financing.

According to the Rural Bank Farmland Values Report, the median price of farmland in Australia increased by 12.9% in 2021. This report is a valuable resource for farmers and investors looking to understand the current state of the market and make informed decisions.


Financial institutions such as the National Australia Bank (NAB) offer a range of products and services specifically designed for the agriculture industry.

This includes loans for purchasing farmland, equipment, and livestock, as well as insurance products to protect against risks such as drought, floods, and bushfires.

It's important to note that the availability of financing can impact the price of agriculture land. As reported by the Rural Bank Farmland Values Report, low interest rates and increased government support have contributed to the recent surge in farmland prices.


In addition to traditional banks, there are also alternative financing options available for farmers and investors. This includes crowdfunding platforms such as AgFunder, which allows individuals to invest in agriculture projects and startups.

Overall, the role of banks and financial institutions is crucial in the agriculture industry, providing much-needed financing and support for farmers and investors.

Market Trends and Predictions

As I look at the current market trends and predictions for agriculture land prices in Australia, I see a mixed picture.

According to Stefan Vogel, Global Head of Agri Commodity Markets and Research at Rabobank, the first half of 2023 saw strong growth in farmland prices, with double-digit growth in some regions. However, there are signs of a slowdown in land prices, particularly in North America.

Farming Operations Expand

Despite the declining growth rate, the demand for farmland in Australia remains strong. This is driven by a number of factors, including the desire of family farmers to expand their operations, the availability of cash flows for investment, and the equity that comes with owning land.

Thriving Agribusiness Sector

One of the main drivers of the demand for farmland in Australia is the growing agribusiness sector.

According to this report by the National Australia Bank, the agribusiness sector is expected to continue growing over the next few years, which will likely lead to increased demand for farmland.

Australian Auction Market

Another factor contributing to the demand for farmland is the strong auction market. In some regions, auction clearance rates have been consistently high, indicating strong demand from buyers. This is reflected in the median price per hectare, which has remained high in many regions.

Looking ahead, it's difficult to predict exactly what will happen to farmland prices in Australia. However, the signs point to a market that will continue to be strong, albeit with a slower growth rate than in previous years. As always, it's important for buyers and sellers to stay informed about market trends and to work with experienced professionals to make informed decisions about farmland transactions.

Effects of Government Policies on Australia’s Farmland Market

As someone who is interested in buying agricultural land in Australia, I was curious to know more about the role of government policies and incentives in shaping the market.

After conducting some research, I discovered that the Australian government has implemented a range of policies and programs aimed at supporting the agricultural industry and improving access to land for farmers.

State and Territory Considerations

One interesting finding from my research is that government policies and incentives can vary widely depending on the state or territory in question.

For example, in some states, there are programs that offer financial assistance to farmers who are looking to purchase land, while in others, there are tax breaks or other incentives designed to make it easier for farmers to access affordable land.

Understanding the different policies and incentives that are available in each state or territory is therefore essential for anyone who is looking to buy agricultural land in Australia.


Brittany Melling

Brittany Melling

Brittany has been in the land business since 2020 when the world was starting to shut down. Since then, we’ve sold to dozens of people from ATV weekend warriors to camping enthusiasts to retired truck drivers. Our inventory spans mostly in the western United States. We’ve been trained by experience, land acquisition courses, and hundreds of hours meeting with county assessors and clerks, zoning officials, realtors, and land investors. We’ve answered hundreds of questions from people regarding the buying and use of land.

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